Has Anyone Had A Ruptured Cyst? What Was It Like?
I usually mostly have pain at menstruation and ovulation but this month after ovulation a new aching pain started on my right side in the same place as ovulation pain just a different sensation. It got worse for a few days and now it’s getting better. I couldn’t eat anything for a few days without major pain and bloating. My whole abdomen felt swollen and tender when I pushed on it and while the ache was mostly on one side it did move around and spread out at times. I never had a fever. Anyone… read more
Trans vaginal ultra sound is what caught all my issues. It should at least give you some peace of mind to have them look inside. It's a great start.
Oh gosh that sounds awful. I scheduled an ultrasound but it’s a week and a half away and I don’t know if it would still show up then
I had a cyst on my left ovary rupture. It happened suddenly on the 1 daybof my period. The pain was so high I couldn't walk. It felt like sharp knife like stabbing pain on mynlower belly. I started to get body sweats, and almost fainted. I vomited a lot on the way to the hospital. I should of called an ambulance but i toughed it out. I got several exams done but the Trans vaginal Ultrasound diagnosis showed I had a left hemorrhagic grape size cyst that had ruptured.
One month later I fell ill again on the 1st day of my period, sharp knife like abdomen pain, vomiting, and fainting. I was hospitalized for 2 days and the ultrasound showed my cyst had grown to a lemon size within that month. I dropped to 95 lbs. I was in constant pain and discomfort. My belly felt hard as a rock and extremely sensitive to pressure. Major bloating. I began to feel weakness on my left leg. My doctor said the cyst grew and it was now hitting a nerve.causing me to limp and now use a cane to get around.
Hope this helps.
Hi Everyone...I Was Diagnosed With PCOS 3 Yrs Ago And Severe Endo Last Year. My Question Is About Weight Loss After A Full Hysterectomy?
What’s Your Favorite Exercise When Dealing With Constant Ovary/cyst Pain?
Ruptured Cyst Or Torsion?