My Pain Sync With The Increasing Of Vaginal Fluids
I know it's a weird symptom but I noticed that the pain is worse in ovaluation days, and the pain increases with the increasing of the vaginal fluids.
I don't know for sure that I have endometriosis, I only have chronic pelvic pain, and pelvic pain while urinating that become worse in ovaluation days. And sometimes I also have rectal pain.
I only wanted to know if someone else is experiencing something like that and what is her condition.
Thank you ❤
U can have both
Advice Please?
Could you please give me your honest advice/thoughts? Currently at the end of my tether and don't know who else to turn to.
Since I was 14 (now almost 26) I have seen various different doctors and a gynaecologist being told all sorts of different things but all of them have said they suspect I have endometriosis. With my current doctor she is the best one I have seen to date and is really clued up on the disease and says she is 100% sure I have it and all my symptoms match, there's… read more
Thanks ladies for your help. I have an appointment on Saturday morning with a different doctor and I'm going to request a referral to a gynae.
How Were You Examined To Find Out Whether Or Not You Have Endo ?
I was just wondering how everyone was examined to see whether or not you have endo?
Because How can you have a Pap smear or vaginal exam if it's so unbearably painful for you ? I went to a gyno and they kept saying the only way to tell was through that kind of exam . Is that true ? Is there a way that they can do an ultrasound to find the lesions ? Can they put you to sleep during your vaginal exam ? Because it caused me so much pain to the point of almost passing out......
A blood test is being developed outside that US, that will hopefully bring a less invasive option to testing for Endo
Fingers crossed it comes soon- these laparoscopic surgery inst always the best… read more
How Long Did It Take You To Recover From Laparoscopic Surgery?
My doctor put on my form that I only need to take one day off for the surgery and then the next day from work. Does that seem right?? I know I shouldn’t believe everything I read on the Internet or see on TikTok, but so many people have said that it took them at least a week to start moving around normally again.
I was doing pretty well after surgery, walking, eating etc, but you can’t lift anything and have to limit what you do. I would definitely take more than a day but every person is different. I had a… read more
Should I Push For A Laproscopy?
I'm seeing my second obgyn after a strong of bad doctors, she told me my history sounds like endometriosis and there's a cyst with debris on my ultrasound results. She's put me on visanne and now I'm just adjusting to the hormones, I don't get my period anymore which helps a lot. I go for a follow up ultrasound in a month, she says if the cyst disappears because of the visanne she's 100% confident it's Endo even without the surgery to confirm.
I've been on a mission to determine what's wrong… read more
Had a laparascopy done 2017 October and there was no relief at all. I'm on visanne pills now, and I feel so much better
I'm Going For My Trans Vaginal Ultrasound On Mon. I'm So Nervous Does Anyone Know What I Should Expect During This Appointment?
We discussed how hormonal therapy didn't work so this was the next step, not sure what step would be next after the ultrasound. I haven't been diagnosed yet, this is all new to me.
It seems a lot scarier than it actually is.
Should I Take Birth Control Pill Or Visanne? If Birth Control Then Should I Take It All Month Long Or Should I Have A 7 Gap For Periods?
Hi am 23 years old. I am having severe period pains since I was 14. I visited the doctor recently and he says i have endometriosis because i have all the symptoms. He gave me two options
1. Laproscopy to be 100% sure
2. Medication
Ultrasound showed nothing so I decided to go with the medication. He gave me two options in medication
1. Birth control pill, Mercilon low dosage
2. Hormonal treatment, Visanne
I can not afford visanne so i decided to go with birth control pill Mercilon.
I want your… read more
Yes, the doctor said It is an assessment and not a diagnosis
I wish you very good luck with your laproscopy
It's only been two days so there is no difference yet. I am gonna keep a track though.… read more
Has Anyone Else Had A Hard Time Being Diagnosed?
I have almost every symptom of endometriosis. Painful cramps (on and off my period) since before I even started my period at age 11. When I was younger I went to a couple different doctors and they tried to downplay my pain and told me it’s normal and I need to get used to it. I only had one doctor that did diagnose me with PCOS based on hormone levels but never did any imaging. As an adult I have gone to two different Gynos and one told me I “probably” have it and did a vaginal ultrasound. He… read more
Try Slynd birth control!!!
Will I Be Getting Surgery? 10 Cm Cyst.
I have a 10 cm cyst outside my left ovary. At what stage is needed for surgery? Is that the only option? Im nervous knowing I most likely will going under the knife.
Not to scare anyone but rather to share: I had a cyst that burst because I didn’t know it was there plus I’ve had the surgery afterwards to remove other cysts, endometriosis and my ovaries as a result… read more
I Had A Hysteroscopy And A Laproscopy Over A Week Ago And I Am Still Struggling With Pain In My Lower Back And Legs. Is This Normal?
I was diagnosed with endo stage 4 and was hoping on getting some insight as to why I have leg pain and why my healing is taking so long
I haven’t had a hysterectomy but Laproscopy yesss and two weeks before my lap I had emergency story is crazy how fast & unpredictable Endo is.. say I think the problem is is that people… read more