Third Laparoscopy For Endo Pouch Of Douglas & Pelvic Wall. Not Much Relief
Hi all,
Don't know if I just need to vent but some advice would be appreciated too. I had my third Laparscopy towards the end of May this year. The removed endo from the Pouch of Douglas and Pelvic Wall. After previous surgeries I have generally felt a good bit of relief in the coming months. I also have PCOS. I'm not feeling as much relief as I thought I would by now. This month has been horrific. I had two full weeks where I felt "periody" and had PMS bloating, moods, cramps etc. I finally… read more
If I'm honest I felt no relief from having a laparoscopy, I felt like my nerve endings were just on fire and it just allowed it to run rampant. UCLH referred to my pouch of diagnosis as an obliterated… read more
Does anyone else have sudden fatigue seemingly outta nowhere and it hits hard not really with or without pain just hard core exhaustion it seems :(
Yes alot alot
Coil With Symptoms Changing After A Few Months /pregnant With Coil In
Hi Guys xxx
Just writing a quick question to see how many of you have got pregnant with the mirena coil in ?? iam experiencing some very odd symptoms after 6 months of the coil being in ... which have changed over the last two three months. I've had bad sickness for many many weeks now mostly on morning xxx my boobs really hurt and I've had worse symptoms of pain with violent cramping and bad rectal pain . plus I've had no period for two months . I've taken 3 pregnancy tests just to be sure… read more
I'm on my second coil, so had one in for about 6 years now, and i still get awful cramps and irregular periods. However it has reduced the bleeding, so there is one positive! My pain levels vary month… read more
How To Explain To People That The Fatigue I Am Feeling Is Real?
Ive been taking GnRH for a minth now and ny husband and other family members seem to think im acting lazy sometimes and im picking and choosing when i need a lie down or nap or i am just too tierd to cook and clean. I have a feeling they are thinking this because the night before the museum i was screaming in pain then the next day i struggled but able to go to the i have started slowly but surly going down hill.i dint think people understand abd that gets me alot nore stressed. Any… read more
Yeah husband and boyfriend don't really understand what we going through they think we lazy and always making excuses about being tired or in pain all the time.
Do Any Of You Manage Your Endo Without Painkillers?
Do any of you manage your Endo without painkillers? Through natural medicine, whole foods, or some other way? For over a year, I have refused pain meds unless I've just had a surgery. I'm on my last round of Lupron, and have no idea what to expect pain-wise after I come down from it. So I was wondering, how many of you are able to manage your pain naturally, and what do you use??
Thanks for posting I like a lot of these ideas and am happy to have some new options to try! I got a lot of help from clary calm, enough so I didn't need to take pain killers any more, but I'm not… read more
How Do You Deal With Being Reffered To As Moody By Your Loved Ones Or You Are "complaining"?
My mom always says she has to walk on eggshells around me and since i have been back home for summer from univeristy she has said this to me a few times now knowing how I have endo and I have been on hormones for years now since I was younger. My sister also says I am always complaining about something its just so frustarting that my mom and sister make these comments and its been hard for me to not get angry any tips or can anyone relate
Can You Smell Period Blood During Other Parts Of Your Cycle?
I’m wondering if this is an endometriosis thing. There is no visible blood, but if I go to the loo I feel like I can smell my period. It’s not all the time. Today I have cramps as well as lower back pain, I couldn’t say if that’s always the case.
OMG SAME. I thought I was insane because I had a hysterectomy and excisions of endometriosis on my bowels but still have terrible endometriosis symptoms a couple days a month regardless and when I'm… read more
How Do You Cope With The Pain And Go To Work? Especially When Your Period Is On?
With this Endometriosis pain and the heavy bleeding associated with it, what measures do you take to not have to miss work because of your symptoms?
Do Any Of You Have Soreness In Your Vulva While On Your Period?
I have recently noticed this is one of my minor symptoms
Yes I surely do, but it's not constant. It's more like a jolt of electricity.. and some throbbing..
Does Anybody Have Endo With Ovarian Cyst And A Bicornute Uterus That Is Tipped?
I've tried birth control and hate it. My doctor says my only option is a radical hysterectomy. I am only 35 and I am afraid of going into early menopause. The pain is so severe during my menstrual cycles. I have had 2 c-sections and the pain from them doesn't come close to the pain I feel during my cycles. Is there any other treatment out there besides a full hysterectomy ?
Im in therapy and it's so helpful!