Weak, Dizzy, Fainting- Why?!
I can't count how many times I actually fainted today. I spent most of my day in bed with depression consuming me, but I had to be so careful every time I got up because I know I'd just fall right back onto my bed. I didn't have the strength to blow dry my hair after my shower and even showering made me short of breath and dizzy. I started bleeding lightly today, first day of my strange irregular cycle maybe? Never know if I'm just spotting, point is I'm not bleeding heavily. I've eaten exactly… read more
Pots is probably what you're experiencing or some type of dysautonomia
Other Ailments Or Conditions Along With Endo?
Just wondering if anyone here has any other conditions along with their endo.. for example I have a herniated disk in my back and fibromyalgia and was curious to know if anyone is suffering with these things as well or just any other conditions..
I have degenerative disc disease in my back, tons of GI issues mostly constipation, fibromyalgia and psych issues such as major depressive disorder and panic/anxiety disorder
All of these issues are… read more
Has Anyone Experienced Very Bad Tremors On The Hand And/face?
Almost a year since my 2nd endo surgery via excision. For the past few months ive been experiencing very heavy bleeding, nerve pain on my legs (again) and 2 days ago i felt like i was going to oass out and all of a sudden a very out of control tremor started on my hand and face. I got rushed to the hospital, stayed two days there because they ran every test on me and said everything looked good! Has anyone else ever experienced bad tremors??? Im so desperate to see if this is linked to my endo… read more
thats a start, thank you so much!
Does Anybody Know If Body And Hand Tremors Are Related To Endometriosis?
I wake up with a flushed face, headach, slight shortness of breath, sweaty and full on shakes. Not like I'm hungry shakes but like tremors. I even get it in my brain and it affects my vision sometimes. I have been getting double vision a lot lately. When I'm laying down it's like a slight jiggle from my head down to my knees. Sometimes side to side sometimes forwards and backwards. I dont have any control over it.
I've been having really bad headaches with it as well. I'm not sure if the… read more
Hi! I’m new to this platform and heard about your symptoms and I am experiencing very similar symptoms. I have full body shakes and I had spots in my vision earlier this week. What helped alleviate… read more
Are There Any Women On Here Who Have Had A Hysterectomy Due To Endometriosis? If So Could You Tell Me About Your Experience?
Sorry you are suffering. Ask for at least six weeks off. Find out from your doctor if you are having additional procedures, if so, tack on another week if they are willing to accommodate you at work.
Does Anyone Feel As If They Experience More Pain Before And After Period?
I have not yet been diagnosed. I have been tracking all my symptoms. These symptoms feel more severe before and after. My period seems to be the only days of manageable pain.
Does Anyone Else Experience Constant Endo Pain When Sitting?
I’ve noticed in recent months that the second I’m sitting instead of laying down/standing my pain gets rather constant and severe. I’m not sure if it’s a new symptom or if it’s just gotten more intense so I’m noticing it more. Does anyone else have constant pain when sitting?
Girl, Yes! Laying down is the only thing that relieves that constant neck/upper back pain for me. 😑
Pads Vs. Tampons?
I know I might sound crazy, but I have never been able to get myself to use tampons ever since I have had a period. Because my cramps are so painful & I rarely go out or am active on my period, I have never felt the need to use them. Some people may find it odd. I know how to use a tampon and stuff but I’ve only ever use a tampon once I think!? Is that crazy!? I feel like there is such pad shame sometimes, maybe that’s just my experience. I mean honestly it doesn’t matter because we deal with… read more
Yes I think pads and tampons both have nasty chemicals in them, in the Netherlands they had an episode on tv about pads, that they are actually invented by male😅 and they use some kind of chemical… read more
Fever Continuing 1 Week After Laparoscopic Surgery
Hi everyone! I thank you all for welcoming me to this group and giving the greatest advice. I’ve been reading every single one of them and have learned so much.
I do have a concern with my recovery process. It’s been one week since my surgery, and I’m still experiencing nausea/ dizziness if I stand too long (making showers difficult) fevers (fluctuates from 99.9-100 or normal at times 96.5) (highest it got to was 101.8) and with the fevers come chills, headaches, and my body just needs to lay… read more
I’ve been in constant communication with my doctor, letting them know of my fevers and such. They don’t seem as concerned but when I did go in for my appointment (when they gave me meds for a UTI)… read more
Abnormal Symptoms And Endo Diagnosis
I had an endometrioma removed a year ago- felt a slow return of pain but manageable. For the past 4 months everything changed dramatically and doctors can’t figure it out. I have chest pain around my sternum and over my heart, and thoracic(middle back pain) and nerve pain running down one or both arms that cause sharp pain and arthritic pain in my fingers where it hurts to write or use them. Pain is all the time not with periods only. It’s expanding up my neck and over my right jaw and through… read more
My abdominal MRI showed endo exactly where my surgeon last summer found it- on the posterior cul de sac and new to me, there’s an almond size 11x15mm collection of blood or fluid on my right adnexa… read more