Pain When Aroused
Hi, There is a problem that I have been facing years ago which is that whenever I feel sexually aroused from watching a romantic scene or even imagining one I feel sharp pain in my vagina as if it is squeezing /sharp ache , knowing that I am a virgin.this pain starts from the first seconds I feel aroused. I searched so much on google but I couldn’t know the reason.I’ve seen here cases like mine but I have no symptoms of endometriosis at all.If anyone know the reason please help me !!!!because it… read more
I hope you are able to get to the bottom of it soon! That’s no fun at all. You mentioned tight pelvic floor, that might be worth looking into along with talking to your doctor about all your symptoms… read more
I'm Sure This Is A Common Question, But What Is A Good Way To Sleep When You Have Very Heavy Bleeding And Can Only Wear Pads...???
Deep And Burning Pain When Aroused
First of all, I have to say I have not been diagnosed with endometriosis! I don’t want to offend anyone but this is the only place where I found people who had the same pain as mine, so I hope I’ll find here some answers or at least someone who feels the same as me!! Every time I get sexually aroused, I feel like my cervix and vagina are burning or getting stabbed and my labias instantly go numb! Does this happen to any of you? Thank you, and please, do excuse me if I offended you in any way!!
YES! I've had this for years! If I'm not having sex I get horny dreams and wake up with an orgasm forming and if I don't get a cold shower quickly my whole pelvis explodes with intense cramps that can… read more
Does Anyone Else Have Extreme Pain With Sex?
My boyfriend and I cant have sex because it’s so painful. I got reccommended to go to a pelvic floor therapist. Does that help at all?? I feel so alone in this, and I also have no sexual desire. Im currently taking Zoloft and my dosage just increased to 150mg. Could that be why I have no sexual desire? I feel so lost and alone. Any answer helps.
I also have had issues with libido and painful sex. I honestly just haven’t pushed myself or my body to do things I wasn’t ready to do, and tried to lower my stress levels because that also made it… read more
Butt And Lower Pain During Sex
I just had sex for the third time ever but for the second and third time, I felt a sharp pain shoot from my butt and lower back. I didn’t feel the pain in my lower abdomen though. The pain was worse off when doing the doggy style. Is this normal during the first times you have sex or I actually have endometriosis.
I have had a laparoscopy and I feel the same way. Doggy Style is a hell no because it hurts so badly. The only way I can do it without pain is on my back and I have to take it slow at first no matter… read more
Pain When Sexually Aroused BEFORE Sex
I get pain when I'm sexually aroused I've never talked about it but my pain is a dull ache in my cervix and vagina. I guess I want to know if I'm the only one.
You are definitely not alone in this. I got a lot of relief from seeing a pelvic PT and doing all the exercises and manual therapy she offered. Highly recommend findings good pelvic PT.
Is It Normal To Feel "turned On" Following Endo Surgery W Full Hysterectomy?
So, last week (almost exactly 1 full week ago), I had a full hysterectomy, endometriosis excision, and removal of cysts. I have endo and highly suspected adenomyoisis as well.
I have never really been interested in sex. I've considered myself asexual because it just isn't something I think about and I don't feel sexually attracted to others. However, for the last three days, I have been having a lot of weird, vivid sexual dreams. Like, a LOT. Sometimes I'll have 1 or 2 days during my cycle when… read more
I hope that you feel better.
Pain When Aroused?
Before sex, when I'm beginning to get aroused, I get pain in the left side of my stomach, my vagina and also my bum (sorry for tmi). I've had the problem for a while but the pain feels more intense then it used to. Its at the stage where I really am not interested in having sex, because there's pain before, during, and then pain after. Does anyone else get this too? And does anyone know why this happens?
I cannot believe I’m seeing this! I have had trouble with sex due to pain and anxiety. It was just recently I noticed that now I’m having pain just when I’m is exactly the same as you… read more
What Can You Take To Help With More Painful Sexual Intercourse,burning Sensation?Since I Started Taking Visanne, It Has Become Very Painful
I don’t know much about visanne but I sometimes have a terrible burning that is helped by aloe.
Hysterectomy Stories
Ladies who have had a hysterectomy at a young age share your stories, the down time from surgery, and your recovery and an issues months or years after surgery?
My docs have been absolutely useless since the hysterectomy and the current ones don't even want to do anything for the prolapse cause they're scared of doing more surgery on me given how the hysterec… read more