So my Endo is growing back because I cannot take my birth control. It caused a blood clot in my leg and pulmonary embolisms in my lung. Today is six months from my pe and DVT. Anyone have suggestions for endovrelief?!
@A MyEndometriosisTeam Member unfortunately as much as we would love to say this treatment "method" will help; the fact is every approved option, hormones (b.c., Lupron, etc...) they are all band aids and sadly in your case caused more issues than anything. They mask the symptoms...some do help stop the growth but we are using synthetic hormones in our bodies which with our hormone levels being completely off due to Endo it doesn't leave us with many options. At all!!! i tried many forms of birth control which didn't do anything for me but yes did or does help others feel better and slows the growth. But more & more research I read is detoxing our bodies, Endo diets, natural alternatives, acupuncture, etc...especially for you love seeing what you had to go through is scary!!! Are you still considering a hysterectomy? Lots of love to you. Here if you need me!
@A MyEndometriosisTeam Member I am a DVT survivor, I got diagnosed with endo recently and I will have to have a lap soon because of a cyst.
I am wondering what your doctors suggested.
Going to a pain doc on Wednesday for the first time. Thyroid and hormone levels are checked every 6 months. And Zomig nose spray for migraines.
@A MyEndometriosisTeam Member do you go to a pain management doc? When did you last check your thyroid & hormone levels. What do you take for your migraines?
Can Endometriosis Come Back After A Complete Historectomy
Does Anyone Else Get Endo Belly Even After Hysterectomy?