Anyone With Hypersensitive And/or Overactive Bladder With Endo?
I went for a cystoscopy with hydrostatic and uretheral dilatation on 2nd November. My Urology Consultant came and briefly spoke to me after the procedure. He advised he found a lot of ridges in varying directions on my bladder that was that which he would normally see in a man in his late 60's with prostate problems. I was pretty out of it as this was when I was in recovery so never really asked anything. He has written bladder hypersensitivity and overactive bladder as his primary diagnosis in… read more
I've not had the bladder experience but I did have the surgeon tell me what they'd found when I was so out of it I couldn't take anything in - what an absolute disgrace! I asked her to write it down but by the time is come round properly she'd gone home. I persisted though and phoned the ward the next day and didn't give up until someone had phoned me back - you have a right to know what they found in your own body. Also please make sure you keep your own notes and who said what and when. Just for piece of mind and in case they miss something. They're only human xx
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Does Anyone Have Endometriosis And Hashimoto's?