Anyone Have Shorter Periods Or Amenorrhea Using Tramadol?
Hey Ladies,
Has anyone had their periods lighten when taking Tramadol for pain? Celebrex used to shut mine down and kill the pain. I am having surgery soon and trying out Tramdol so that I don't risk bleeding on during the surgery and noticed that after taking it for 18 hours (1 pill every 4 hours) that my period just stopped along with most of the pain.
Thoughts/experiences to share?
Did you ever figure this out? Did your next period go back to normal? I have a back injury, and been on tramadol for just under 2 weeks every 4 hrs 1-2 pills. And this period is almost non existent. It’s so light and it’s scaring me. I haven’t taken tramadol in 3 days now and I’m on day 5 of my “period” which it was on time, I have a period tracker but it’s like spotting. Mild cramping. Next to nothing. I’m 29, 30 next month.
Thanks for your thoughts Sahra! Maybe my period is just lighter. Had you had motion sickness from the Tramadol?
I take Tramadol for pain but didn't notice it lightening my period. I take visanne and it mostly stopped bleeding all together.
Has Anyone Started To Suddenly Have A Short And Light Period.
Visanne And Periods?
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