My Doc Didn't Remove Endo, What Do I Do??
I recently had my second surgery to remove large endometriomas on my ovaries. My surgeon however did not remove the actual endometriosis lesions. I don't know what to do now!
I understand your frustration. My first gyno did a laparoscopy and did not remove anything and said I did not have any and had me in and out of actual surgery in ten minutes apparently. I got a new physician and he gained access to the photos from that laparoscopy and he said he saw endometriosis clearly in multiple areas and on my ovaries as well. All I could really suggest is finding someone else, I know a lot of areas don't have great resources when it comes to experienced providers in endometriosis so it can be very frustrating. Hang in there!
This last surgeon was a specialist and told me he would excise them but didn't. I don't know how to find a doctor who will actually do it!
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