How Do You Deal With Fatigue
I'm so tired and no amount of sleep will cure my exhaustion. Coffee and energy drinks aren't helping and I don't know what to do
I have had chronic fatigue for two years. I have tried diet and exercise, Ive done blood tests and tried vitamins and supplements, I went off my BC and changed my other meds and nothing has worked. My advice is to try everything for at least a few months. Right now what I do is I have forced myself into a usual pattern. I get up and go to bed at the same time almost every day as hard as it is, if I absolutely have to I take a nap. I take my vitamins and on good days I exercise, I try to stick to good energy foods. Maybe something will work and if it doesnt at least when people suggest it you can say you tried, at least thats my motto.
I understand I get super tired too all the time. I did realize I wasn’t eating balanced meals to give me enough energy so you could try changing ur diet a bit. I know when we’re sick we tend to not eat as much. So idk try including natural carbohydrates to give u energy. I tried iron supplements and that did not work for me.
@A MyEndometriosisTeam Member no he hasn't said anything about caffeine
Did your doctor tell you to stay away from caffeine products
I was feeling this way a couple of months ago. I went to a functional medicine doc who ordered some blood work and I found out that I was low in iron, vitamin D, and Vitamin B. She has me taking high quality supplements as well as a supplement for adrenal support. I'm like a new woman. Have you talked to your doctor about it?
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