Have You Stopped BC To Get Pregnant?
I am looking to stop birth control in hopes to get pregnant but I'm pretty terrified of the pain coming back with a vengeance. I get pain after I've stopped BC pills for two days, is there anything to make this process easier or do I just need to go through it?
I am 36, diagnosed only two years ago after stopping drop and didn't get a period for 14 months. Before that my pain was do bad I would miss work 1-2 days a month. I get incredibly nauseous, exhausted, lightheaded, cramps that… read more
Oh no that sounds miserable. Fingers crossed that you get pregnant soon after stopping bcp so you don't have to endure that for long, or maybe it won't be as bad as it was before. As for the pregnancy part every woman is different. My endometriosis seemed better during pregnancy, but I still had a lot of pain that I'm sure was related to the endo. My pain wasn't necessarily constant though. In the end it was so worth it.
I did get cramps my entire pregnancy which made me worry but nothing compared to when I wasn't pregnant. It was tolerable. Have a healthy son.
I just did this. The pain is horrible at first, just be easy on your body, try to rest as much as possible, if possible. Are you trying a gluten free diet? I noticed improvements after about 6 months in pain. Also, Id recommend taking a turmeric supplement until you test positive on a pregnancy test. I noticed a difference in pain in just a few days, and I certainly notice if i forget to take it! Just make sure the supplement has pepperine so you absorb as much as possible. The anti inflammatory power is amazing!
Since you are already taking CBD I suggest looking into the brand Foria cbd lubricant. My husband and i used this when we were trying and it made sex much more enjoyable with a lot less pain. Im now 8 weeks pregnant, experiencing some pain in my endo zone but its nothing like it was before. Ive heard pregnancy can be really healing on endometriosis. I hope some of this helps, Best of luck to you!!! ❤️
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