Is Anyone Here On Norethindeone?
Has it made you guys bleed more? I’ve only been on this for a bout a month and one week and I’ve been on my cycle 3 times already and I also spot everytime I have sex now and I start cramping. Has anyone else dealt with this?
I spotted and bled heavily on norethindrone. Spotting was whenever though, bot associated with sex. Our bodies are all different though! Like Katherine said, it does need to be taken at the exact same time because of the type of pill it is. It could contribute to that, but I would also talk to your gyno if you can! For me personally, I liked being on the minipill more than the combo.
What Is Your Opinion On Norethindrone? And Do You Have Any Reccomdations For New Treatments?
Letrozole & Norethindrone
Has Anyone Heard Of Nexplanon Causing Endo Or Endo-like Symptoms??