To Remove Or Not To Remove?
I had the mirena inserted due to continuos bleeding over a four month period and I haven't experienced pain like this before. My only symptom was the bleeding. I've had the Mirena for a month now and have been prescribed birth control for the progesterone. My parents don't want me taking any painkillers due to the opioid crisis. Yes, I know that's in America, but they watch a lot of TV. They didn't even want to pay to have it removed, so I emailed my gynae and she offered to do it pro bono. What… read more
I had to have mine removed because it was so painful! I swapped to the Depo Provera injection instead.
Conceptive Implant Removal
Hysterectomy And Ovaries Removal Advice?
I Have Had The Mirena For About 4 Months Now And I Just Don’t Think It’s Working For Me , Has Anyone Else Used It And It Work ?