What Are Your Top Tips For Dealing With Endometriosis In The Heat?
Heat can be inflammatory, Hydration through water or electrolyte rich natural drinks like coconut water smoothies or plain juicy fruits is vital, seek shade, consume an anti-inflammatory diet with plenty of cruciferous (slaw blend salads are affordable and tasty and you can make your own dressing or add a little of your store bought fave) and good fiber to clear out estrogen. Zinc rich foods like legumes are helpful for immune function, warm epsom salt baths and supplemental magnesium to boost immune and nervous system function. Another consideration is tackling histamine levels because estrogen and histamine go hand in hand and endometriosis is either due to or responsible for inflammation in the body which elevates things like histamine and thus an ugly cycle of inflammation is perpetrated. Stay away from fast food and processed food unless necessary or you need to have a little fun here and there. Good, simple, nutrient dense food is essential for Endo sufferers as well as stress management and taking it easy on yourself and others. Rest when you need it. Good luck.
Having endometriosis as we know comes with allot of different debilitating symptoms . And it’s different for all woman, but for me having someone that unconditionally loves you and supports you ( which is my mom) and she’s also had to be my caregiver because I’ve lost allot of independence due to this invisible illness. Along with endometriosis came chronic fatigue and I’m lucky enough If I can get a shower out of it… What helps is to embrace the goods days and nurture the bad. The good days are really good and the bad days are really bad , but this is my new life and I have to accept it and learn to live with it. Heating pads, over the counter pain medication, and rescue pain medicine helps also. You need to get a primary care giving that actually believes your pain is real. Same as a OBGYN . Love to all my endo warrior never give up
Changing my diet and using digestive enzymes/probiotics has made a huge difference for me this year. Eating very limited dairy, gluten, alcohol, and caffeine cut my symptoms drastically. I've tested it in a lot of different ways, and have found that my diet the week before my period is the most crucial. If I eat very clean /restrained with a lot of protein and stay very hydrated during this time, I can be almost normal. The pain is slight or manageable, and the bloating and fatigue are massively reduced as well. It's not the easiest to stay on top of, but has given me a whole new level of control over my symptoms that I didn't think was possible. Taking digestive enzymes with each meal has been key as well.
I swear by my BedJet and Perfectly Snug bed cooling systems. Without them, my sleep would be wrecked by overheating and severe sweating. I also use a body pillow with cooling panels on both sides and cooling natural fiber sheets and blanket.
Pain cream from dollar tree or Walgreens
Staying In The Hosputal
Endometriosis, Mirena, Age And Fertility
Pregnancy With Endometriosis After Depo Provera?