What Advice Are You Grateful To Share With Others About Endometriosis?
The biggest piece of advice I could give is to DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH. The problem with this illness is that it is still not well known and so many doctors don’t understand it and why women get it. They try to push birth control and other medications without even understanding a woman’s body or the symptoms she has. Learning as much as I can about it while simultaneously knowing my own body has helped me tremendously. Also, find a doctor who listens to you and who you can trust. Try to accept that you have the disease and do things that will make living your life with it, easier. Whatever that may look like for you. For me, prescription strength Naproxen is my lifeline and magnesium helps relax muscles. Hot showers or baths are also good. Be easy on yourself and don’t force yourself to do things or overexert yourself when you’re in extreme pain. That being said, I find that exercising or constantly moving, even when the pain is unbearable, helps me feel better faster than if I just laid in bed. There’s a lot more I could say, but that’s the main stuff. Keep fighting, warriors!
What works for one persone may not work for all. So don’t feel bad if a yea does not help you the way it may help someone else. Focus on you, your healthy eating and physical activity may help with symptoms. It may not help them go completely away but will ease them. Also, don’t feel bad when someone has no idea what endometriosis is. 🤗
ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING I learn as I go along. You never know when that weird symtom NO dr seems to know what is, is being described by a friend youve met here and we can swap stories, helpful tips, and a few tears. When I read your stories , the indescribable pains, the mental anguish, the ignorance of doctors, I get it. WE get it. This platform is the best therapy and place to find information most of us have searched for through a plethora of doctors and unfortunately just trial and error. Best advice I can give is if you don't 100% trust/agree with your dr find another. And another. And another. Take a good multi vitamin (LiquidGold or a prenatal) I don't care to promote any hormonal or replacement medications as all I was on made this or other issues worse. Lastly, don't be afraid of surgery if you & your dr truly feel it is the best option. Accept help. You are loved and you are not alone!
I don't log on here very often but there is a wealth of information on this site, from articles to user advice. I am glad I found it while doing web research on our plight; it's bolstering to know you're not alone & can help others. I heartily agree with those who encourage you to do your homework & be your best-informed ambassador.
I also know finding a physician who gets it is better than a day w/o cramps. I had a few provider changes (insurance & negative rapport) when my sister-in-law (who has similar issues) suggested I look at fertility & reproductive health clinics; the health part is an important component-- I'm not trying to conceive.
I now have an amazing D.O. who understands endo & is trying to get me to menopause WITHOUT surgery (will be horribly complicated for me*.) Sometimes surgery is required but it isn't a cure-all & comes w/it's own risks (*I'm not cool w/the thought of a permanent ostomy if there's another way.) The mini pill + diet mod + homeopathic supplement (Happy Hormones from Australia) are my daily management protocol. May you all find what you need/works for you 💕
If you have the opportunity to please listen to this podcast on Endo I’d
love for you to share it amongst the community. Hopefully it will help
Best Wishes
Skye Woodlands
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