Question For You Ladies
I have a friend that has endo and her doctor wants her to try the mirena because other options weren't working for her. Has anyone tried the mirena ? And has it helped? I've heard a lot of bad things from people about it so I thought I'd ask to get opinions and different experiences
Hello, I had the IUD put in on Thursday Idk if it's because of the endo but it really hurt, I have 2 kids so I assumed and read it wouldn't hurt as to those who have never had kids. Dr first put me on Lupron with the mini pill as an add on for 7 mths it really helped relieve my pain, but i still did have periods here and there which is when i felt the pain...i did have severe migraines as side effects that's why I got off Lupron. The day I had the IUD put in I had horrible cramping light bleeding, next day cramps were gone I've just been feeling lower back pain I'm hoping it'll subsides as time passes. Everyone is different not all have the same experience and yes good thing is it can be removed before the time.
I'm having surgery in a couple weeks and I'm getting the Mirena inserted. I can let you know how it works after if you want? I'm 17 and getting an IUD! Ppl ask me if it's so that I can have sex without worrying and I have to explain to them that no, it's for my endo.
If she has Endo or Adenomyosis a lot of women don't have good look with IUDs with these conditions. Your friend may be better off on a pill but it's her choice. She can try it and if it doesn't help or causes issues it can easily be removed and something different tried. Tell her to do some research on Mirena and women with endometriosis and adenomyosis who have tried it and how successful it was with the group of women. If she isn't comfortable with having it tell her to stand up for herself and say no, there's other options!!
This probably isn't the most helpful answer, but I can say that I chose not to use any IUD, mostly because I also gave adenomyosis which involves the muscle wall of the uterus... so the thought of an IUD potentially moving and/or causing more problems than I need anymore was a risk that outweighed benefits to me.
To be fair, I have heard just as many women praise their IUD because it helped them a lot and was no problem. But it's important to remember that everyone is different and what may be a life saver for one can also be a curse for someone else. :-\
Endometriosis, Mirena, Age And Fertility
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