Has Anyone Ever Had A Endometrial Cyst Removed?
If so what size was yours and what procedure did you have?
I suffered a lot with painful periods and tried for a while to get pregnant it wasn't till I had an appointment at the fertility centre that found out. They wanted to do a scan and that's when I found out I had a cyst and endometriosis.
Yeah I had no idea I had it until I started feeling some slight pressure in the area!
Wow thats some size
Mine was almost 8cm. I had it taken out via laparoscopy.
My cyst is currently on my right ovary and is 5cm by 7cm but they dont seem to be too concerned but its growing. It was 5cm by 3cm. Im going through my frozen cycle of ivf today and if i dont get pregnant this time then ive told my gyne i want the cyst removed. How long were you off work for the surgery
Two General Laparoscopy Surgery Questions/Curiosities
Endometrioma Cyst Or Chocolate Cyst
Has Anyone Had A Period That Has Lasted Longer Than 7 Days?