Anyone Try Depo Lurpron
I was finally diagnosed with endometriosis 2 weeks ago after years of symptoms I figured were normal. The doctor removed what she could. I've had no pain for 2 weeks until this morning. At my post op appointment today my doctor said she wants to do the depo lupron shots to try to stop the endometriosis from cominh back. I'm seriously skeptical about this course of treatment. Has anyone gone this route and had success?
I agree with Nicco. I’m on my third and last shot. The first month I bled for about 3 weeks (light bleeding/spotting) then on my second shot I started feeling hot flashes and bone pain. I felt it the most on my right arm. At first I thought I had fallen asleep on my arm but that wasn’t it. It hurt so much that the pain woke me up in the middle of the night. On my third shot I mainly feel small headaches, hot flashes and anxiety. Now I’m just curious as to how I’m going to feel once it wears out.
I’ve been on lupron twice. I had good experiences both times while on it. The worst part for me was when I stopped taking it. The pain came back within two months from my last injection. Each time a cyst or cysts is found on my ovaries. This last time was the worst!!! I’ve been to the ER 3x since Oct. 25. I feel that lupron can work for some not all. Best of luck to you!!
I did and I seriously regret it. I only got one shot but I was a mess for like 6 months. Ontop of the regular hormone issues like hot flashes and weight gain, it caused me to bleed basically non stop for months. It caused me to pass multiple decidual casts that my uterus has still not recovered from. Towards of the end of that mess I ended up having a seizure (the one and only i've ever had) and my doctor was able to determine it was caused by the depo. I refused to get any more shots, it was worse than any of my endo issues.
I did it for like a year and loved how I wasn't in pain. However, I wasn't prepared for the hot flashes and hormones that came crashing through my body. But overall, it did very well with me compared to the Depot Provera and continuous pills. You have to take a break bc your bone density and they'll alternate hips each time. Good luck sis, you got this!!!
This jus failed me. The deppo was a No.. made me depressed
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