Has Anyone Been Diagnosed With A Hiatal Hernia?
I have GERD and it doesn't seem to matter what I eat or if I eat. I read that a hiatal hernia can sometimes be the cause but have no idea how you would determine if you have a hernia. Seems a lot of doctors struggle to see them on imaging.
Yes, you’re right. I have a hiatal hernia, too. They can see them on CT scan. Sitting upright when eating and digesting instead of slumping can help, but I don’t know if the surgery is worth it to me. Hope you can get some answers!
I take 40 mg of famotidine each day
Gerd I not herd LOL
I have a hiatal hernia and herd. They go together because you're not in your stomach actually pushes everything up through your esophagus. As if we don't have enough problems.
I have to take a 40mg prilosec daily to control GERD. Otc meds do not work.
Has Anyone Been Diagnosed With A Hiatal Hernia And Endometriosis?
Hi Everyone...I Was Diagnosed With PCOS 3 Yrs Ago And Severe Endo Last Year. My Question Is About Weight Loss After A Full Hysterectomy?
Weight Gain And Endometriosis